Botanical Bronze Art
Future Projects
If we can not get the fresh botanicals back to the studio within a few hours, we have to go to the botanicals. Projects take a lot of planning as we will have to set up a mobile studio on site and harvest a few botanicals a day and start the process that will encapsulate and preserve them in a ceramic shell.
We must time the project with the harvest of the botanicals. We are limited to how many we can process in a day, and so we produce limited additions of bronze on any given project.
We are just getting started . below are examples of projects we intend to develop. We would love to hear from you .
Nutmeg from Granada.
Follow us as we plan an adventure into Granada. where we will produce a limited addition of 200 nutmge fruit.
Casting Herbarium collections
Living germplasm collections are critical resources for investigating and conserving genetic and phenotypic diversity, as well as for providing novel breeding material. There are major living germplasm collections all over the world, including a germplasm project in the United States. A pomological living germaplasmym unit specializing in several species may contain hundreds or even thousands of varieties of a single species in one place.
From within a living germaplasmym collection, it would be possible to harvest a broad range of a single species and cast an impressive collection of bronzes. or an exhibitionable botanical herbarium